Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Enter the Giveaway!!

ColorSutraa started a "Minions and Mini-Manis Multi-Blogger / Indie Maker Giveaway where 16 polish makers and bloggers are giving away prizes to 16 people all over the world! Please visit to sign up!

It's the first giveaway that I'm participating in and it was SO MUCH FUN to shop for polishes (6 in all), purchasing a Minion at McDonalds and I still need to get some mini-candies. I am looking for retro candies that we used to eat as kids (70's era).   :)

As ColorSutraa stated on her blog:
"The giveaway will run from July 17th, 2013, 12 midnight EST to August 7th, 2013, 12 midnight EST. Winners will be picked by the weekend and prizes mailed out directly from the participants within 2-3 weeks. This is open INTERNATIONALLY. Remember to enter as many of the options as you can to increase your chances of winning and don't forget to share!"
Thank you, ColorSutraa for allowing me to participate and good luck everyone!

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